The purpose of this section is to provide answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions
By providing this section, we allow members and prospective homeowners to quickly receive the information they need without having to wait for responses from the volunteers serving on the Committees and Board. 
Please be advised updates will occur as we receive "themes" of questions that we recognize to be important and pertinent to many and/or we discover circumstantial changes to our responses requiring an update to the information presented. 
To report any needed updates, please help us help the community by completing a "General Inquiry -  Misc/Information" on the portal's Request/Ticketing page.

Community Information
  • chevron_rightAs a resident of Lake View Estates POA, what method of communication should I expect?
    The expectations is that each Resident/Owner will take advantage of the efficient and clean communication afforded them through the Member Portal
    WHAT is the Portal?
    • It is a TOOL designed to help:
      • Organize Owner Information
      • Promote Interactions
      • Facilitate Engagement
    • It is a WEBSITE platform:
      • To promote access, features, & functionality. 
    • A MEANS to efficiently self-manage
      • Provide tools to help the Board effectively fulfill their responsibilities
      • Eliminating need to hire costly, 3rd party Property Management Firm
      • Assist VOLUNTEER staff by improving communication & retaining Chain of Custody. 
    BENEFITS of the Portal:
    • TASK DISTRIBUTION to VOLUNTEER Staff is easy and clear; making for EFFICIENT RESPONSES to Owners, Residents, & Portal Guests.
    • In addition to serving its Owners/Resident, it PROVIDES VALUABLE INFORMATION to Real Estate Agents & Prospective Homeowners. 
    • Encourages & Increases sense of COMMUNITY for Owner &/or Residents.
    • IMPROVES REPUTATION of Community (especially in regard to Real Estate Agents, Brokers, etc. )
    • COST EFFECTIVE to administer and maintain.
    Upon moving into the community, the Owner/Resident's information will be entered into our system, a UserName will be created, and the new Owner/Resident will be forwarded instructions for use.  This will provide the Member with privileges and access otherwise not in the Public view. 
    Requests & Inquiries will be managed using a Ticketing System, ensuring accountable communication occurs for all, Members and non-Members. Additionally, this system allows the Volunteer Staff to easily identify the status of each request.  
  • chevron_rightWhen is garbage and recycling pick-up?
    Tuesday: Trash Day
    Please have your GREEN trash can to the curb by 6:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. Please be sure to retrieve your trash can by the end of the day. The trashcan must be stored out-of-sight of the street, golf course, and the neighbor behind your home. 

    Wednesday: Recycling Day
    Please have your BLUE recycling can to the curb by 6:00 a.m. Wednesday morning and be sure to retrieve your can by the end of the day.   The trashcan must be stored out-of-sight of the street, golf course, and the neighbor behind your home. 

    Thursday/Friday: Yard Debris
    Please be sure to have all yard debris curbside by Thursday morning for the truck to pick up. Yard debris can either be in bags or loose. (If you do place in bags, please be sure the bags are biodegradable.)
    Please be sure to call the City of Foley for upcoming holidays due to the change in Trash/Recycling pick-up schedule. 
    Please Remember to place your cans either in your driveway or your yard. Please DO NOT place cans on the road as this causes damage to our curbs.  DO NOT place any debris or trash on vacant lots.  These will NOT be picked up by the City of Foley.
    Bulk Item Pick-Up
    Bulk item pickup- which includes old furniture, appliances, mattresses, sinks, etc.  It is best to call Foley Trash Garbage Yard Debris Department at (251) 943-8897 for pick-up.  Leave a message if they do not answer and ask them to notify you when they will pick it up.  This will prevent items being left on your front lawn for an extended time.  

    Please put your items on your own lot for pickup. DO NOT place it on any vacant lot or it will not be picked up due to those lots not being charged for waste pickup. 
  • chevron_rightWhat items can I recycle?
    According to the City of Foley, please note the following:
    • Newspapers (Dry)
    • Magazines/Junk Mail/Office Paper (Dry)
    • Shredded Paper (Must be contained in plastic bag)
    • Aluminum Cans (Soda/Beer/V-8 cans, etc.)
    • Tin Cans (Food, Soup, Vegetable)
      • NOTE: Pet food cans MUST BE RINSED OUT
    • Plastic Containers (Milk/Soft drink/Bleach Bottles, etc.)
    • Heavy Cardboard - broken down 2'x2' (moving/appliance)
    • Regular Boxes (Cereal/Yogurt/Soda Cartons/etc.)
    • Plastic Bags (Walmart/Winn-Dixie/etc.)
    • No boxes in direct contact to food (Pizza/Chicken/etc.)
    • No Oil containers
    • No Glass
    • No Styrofoam
    If you have any questions, please contact the City of Foley directly at (251) 943-8897 or visit their website here.  
  • chevron_rightWhen are my annual dues paid?
    Annual Dues
    Annual dues are due by May 1st. The amount for our annual dues is currently $175.00.
    If you make a payment after May 31st, there will be a late fee of $10.00 per month you're overdue.
    Payment may be made via Online BillPay or by Check.
    Please make checks payable to Lakeview Estates POA. Our mailing address is: 
    Lakeview Estates POA
    P.O. Box 984
    Foley, AL 36536
  • chevron_rightAm I able to walk or be on the golf course during the day?
    No.  During the day, the use of the golf course and golf paths are restricted for use of the golfers only.  After hours, you are welcome to walk on the golf paths and enjoy a unique view of the neighborhood.  
  • chevron_rightAm I allowed to fish in any other lake besides Lake Muriel?
    No.  There is no fishing on ANY of the golf course lakes.  
  • chevron_rightIs it true there are restrictions on holding a yard/garage sale?
    Yes.  The community will hold neighborhood-wide yard sales twice a year
    • One is typically held the last Saturday in March and the other on the last Saturday in October.  
    All other Yard Sales/Garage Sales are PROHIBITED, based on the covenants and regulations of Lake View Estates POA.
  • chevron_rightAre Estate Sales allowed?
    Yes.  There are a few considerations asked in regard to hosting an Estate Sale:
    1. Everything for sale is kept INSIDE the house with the garage door DOWN, so it does not have the appearance of a garage or yard sale. 
    2. Try to be proactive about the parking and traffic-flow problems.  Ideally, everyone should park on ONE SIDE of the street; however, we understand this may be challenging. 
    3. Inform your neighbors (same side and across the street). They may want to rope off their yards to prevent people parking on their grass. 
    4. ALL SIGNS should read:  "ESTATE SALE".  No signs should reference "Moving Sale" or "Garage Sale"
Community Limitations
  • chevron_rightMay I fence my backyard?
    There are restrictions on the type of fence allowed and approval must be granted PRIOR to signing a contract with a fence installation company.  
    If you would like to have this under consideration, please complete an ARC Request Form as any such improvement would need the review and approval of the Architectural Review Committee. 
  • chevron_rightMay I have a storage shed in my backyard?
    No.  Residents may not have any other building erected on any lot other than a single-family dwelling. 
  • chevron_rightWhat do I need to do if I would like to paint (or make any changes or additions to) the outside of my home; or what if I want to do any exterior work or improvements?
    Any changes, additions, alterations, or improvements must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Committee to ensure that the proposed work align with the restrictions and directions stated in the Coventants and/or Community Regulations. 
    Our Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is the entity with oversite for such matters.  You may reach out to a member of the ARC if you have questions; however, prior to work being done, please complete an ARC form and allow for the review and official approval process. 
  • chevron_rightAm I allowed to leave my garbage/recycling cans out?
    No.  All garbage/recycling cans must be in a screened area or in the garage so the container is not visible from the road, neighboring property, or golf course. 
  • chevron_rightAm I allowed to park my car in the grass?
    No.  Vehicles may not be parked in the grass at any time. 
  • chevron_rightWhat are the most common Covenant Violations?
    Below are highlights of what the Compliance Committee find to be the most common violations:
    • Dogs are to be on leash when outside.  The owner must pick-up his pet(s)'s excrement when walking the pet and dispose of it in his OWN garbage.  DO NOT DISPOSE excrement in ANY Common area trash cans (such as on the golf course or at the Pavilion) or in any of your neighbors' cans.  In other words, consider any trash can you do not OWN, to be in violation.  
    • 3.05 Maintenance:  Grass must be moved every week in the growing season (roughly April - August).
    • 3.06 Garbage refuse disposal and other protective miscellaneous restrictions:  
      • No lot shall be sued as a dumping ground for rubbish.  This includes not dumping yard waste on a vacant lot. 
      • Trash, Garbage, and other waste shall be kept in your garage or in a container which may be kept in a decorative screened area that is not visible from the road, golf course, or neighbor's property or in your garage. 
      • No athletic equipment shall be visible from the street.  This includes items such as:  basketball goals, trampolines, and inflatable pool floats. Basketball goals much be stored out-of-sight after each use. 
    • 3.08 No temporary structures are allowed:  Trailer, Tent, Shack, Garage, Barn, or other outbuilding. 
    • 3.15 Mailboxes 
      • Street numbers must be legible; wood posts and boxes must be painted when necessary.
    • 3.17 Vehicle usage and storage
      • Exception: boats, campers, or motor homes can be in the driveway no more than 72 hours only for the purpose of cleaning or packing.  
      • Parking is only allowed on paved surfaces and NO overnight parking is allowed on the street for safety reasons. 
    NOTE:  This only covers highlights of the most common violations; for a full listing of Covenants & Regulations, please click here.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I participate in having a flag placed in my yard for Memorial Day, Flag Day 4th of July, Labor Day, and Veterans' Day?
    This is private and independent initiative by the local OPTIMIST CLUB (and separate from Lake View Estates POA's Flag Committee).  You may contact the Optimist Club directly at (251) 752-6567 or by visiting their website at www.foleyoptimistclub.com.  
    As stated by the Optimist Club representative, "The initiative is to get more folks to fly the flag to support our country, the flag, and our military and veterans."  The cost for participating is $45; Optimists and their volunteers put these flags out for each of the above referenced holidays.  
  • chevron_rightMay I erect a flag pole in the front yard?
    In most instances, flag poles are not to be erected in the front yards.  Please refer to the POA covenants regarding the ability to erect a flag pole and other such items in your front yard. 
    If you would like to have this under consideration, please complete an ARC Request Form as any such improvement would need the review and approval of the Architectural Review Committee. 
  • chevron_rightWho is responsible for putting up the patriotic and festive holiday banners/flags around the neighborhood.
    The FLAG COMMITTEE for Lake View Estates POA is responsible for all the banners and flags that appear on lamp posts in and around our POA.  These are erected and removed at appropriate times before certain holidays and/or in recognition of our country and veterans. 
    This is a volunteer group effort; anyone who would like to assist is welcomed.  Please send your information to this committee by navigating to the CONTACT US page and selecting Committee: Flag from the drop-down list.  
    This committee is NOT responsible for the American flags erected in individual yards. To locate information about these, please contact the OPTIMIST CLUB directly at (251) 752-6567 or via their website: www.foleyoptimistclub.com.  
Lake Muriel
  • chevron_rightWhat is the big lake called?
    The big lake within Glen Lakes is Lake Muriel.  
  • chevron_rightWho has access to the lake?
    Currently, Lake Muriel is available for fishing and boating by Owners/Residents of Lake View Estates POA ONLY.  In the near future, we hope to be offering Associate Memberships to the other four POAs within Glenlakes to allow them access and use of the lake. 
    To determine if your home is within LakeView Estates POA, please refer to the map.
  • chevron_rightCan I fish in the lake?
    Owners/Residents of Lake View Estates POA are allowed to fish in Lake Muriel.  Fish over 14 inches are the brood fish and MUST BE RELEASED.  If you have any questions, please navigate to the CONTACT US page and select "Committee:  Lake/Dam" from the drop-down list. 
    Fishing in any GlenLakes Golf Course water hazards is PROHIBITED.  The ONLY lake to fish in within GlenLakes IS Lake Muriel.  
    In the near future, we hope to be able to offer associate memberships to residents of the other four POAs within GlenLakes which would allow them access to fishing.  To determine if your home (or prospective home) is within Lake View Estates, please refer to the GlenLakes map.  
  • chevron_rightAre boats allowed on the lake?
    Yes, Owners/Residents of Lake View Estates POA may operate boats however, this is limited to row boats, kayacks, and canoes.  NO GAS POWERED motors are allowed.  If you have any questions, please navigate to the CONTACT US page and select "Committee:  Lake/Dam" from the drop-down list. 
    In the near future, we hope to offer associate memberships to residents of the other four POAs that comprise GlenLakes Estates.  If you are unsure of your ability to access Lake Muriel, please refer to the map
Nearby Services
  • chevron_rightHow do I get to the beach from here?
    Alabama's sugar sand beaches are within close proximity to GlenLakes and Lake View Estates POA.  
    • Gulf Shores:  The most direct route to Gulf Shores is easily accessed by going south on Hwy 59.  Take either CR 12 or CR 20 cross the Foley Beach Express and turn Right (head South) onto HWY 59.  You cross the canal bridge into Gulf Shores and will dead end into Beach Road at The Hangout.  Distance from GlenLakes Golf Club: approximately 11.5 miles.
    • Orange Beach: For those opting to visit the Wharf shopping, amusement, and dining area OR to go to Orange Beach, using the Foley Beach Express Toll Road will be the quickest and easiest route for you.  You will turn Right (head South) on the Foley Beach Express.  Upon paying the toll, you will cross the canal; the Wharf will be on your left.    At the traffic light on Canal Road (Hwy 180), you will turn Left.  Once you reach the traffic light at Hwy 161, turn RIGHT (head South).  This road will dead-end onto Beach Blvd (Hwy 182). Turn Right to go into Orange Beach/Gulf Shores.  Turn Left to go to Flora-Bama/Pensacola.  Distance from GlenLakes Golf Club:  approximately 11.7 miles
    To find out more about the Beach Express Toll, please click here
  • chevron_rightI have guests (grandkids, contemporaries, family) visiting soon; what is the closest place of interest for them?
    OWA Parks & Resort is 2.5 miles from the GlenLakes Golf Club; literally walking distance (but we HIGHLY recommend driving!).  The park and resort is located on the corner of the Foley Beach Express and Miflin Road (CR 20) which borders GlenLakes Subdivision on the North.  
    With the Amusement Park and recent addition of a full-fledged Water Park, there is plenty for the kiddos.  It's also home to restaurants, shops, and entertainment for kids young and old.  Resort Map
    • Brandon Styles  Theatre & magic shop:  (251) 237-3330 Magician, Impressionist, Variety Show. 
    • Owa Theatre: (251) 369-6100 OWA Theatre hosts sellout events year-round from nationally recognized tribute bands and theatre productions to Christian Comedy Fest, and other musical events. (The location may also be rented as a private production venue.)
    • The Bohemian Event Venue: (251) 923-3490 Rental and catering available for weddings, family reunions, business retreats, fund-raising events, and other parties/celebrations. 
    • Paint Party Studios: (251) 343-2423 Shop or schedule Make & Take art for kids and Adult Paint & Sip events.  
    • Clash eSports & VR Experience:  (251) 257-1400 Partnering with Megaverse to offer a unique virtual reality gaming experience. 
    • Arcade at OWA: (251) 378-2827 Open to the public and connected to The Groovy Goat restaurant, this is a state-of-the-art arcade with more than 50 available games.   
    Currently, there are 18 dining & drink experiences available at OWA.  For a full list of your dining options, please click here.
    GRAHAM CREEK NATURE PRESERVE is located 1.8 miles southeast from GlenLakes Golf Club; and, at 0.7 miles, within walking distance from the intersection of CR 12 and Eagle Drive. 
    Locations:  Interpretive Center & Office - 23030 Wolf Bay Drive, Foley AL 36535
    Archery Park & Kayak Launch - 23460 Wolf Bay Drive, Foley AL 36535
    Contact:  (251) 923-4267
    Per the website: With over 600 acres of land owned by the City of Foley, Graham Creek Nature Preserve is dedicated to the preservation of native plants and wildlife.  You can experience nature in your own backyard.  See endangered plants up close while exploring 10 miles of trail, 2 handicap-accessible boardwalks, a kayak launch, and 4 disc golf courses.  Graham Creek also offers other leisure activities, such as an archery park made for all sizes, and a playground with an outdoor classroom perfect for kids.  There are also outdoor and indoor spaces to rent for your next event!
    Things to Do: 
  • chevron_rightWhere is the nearest hospital?
    South Baldwin Regional Medical Center is the closest hospital and is located approximately 8 miles from GlenLakes.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a SECURITY issue?
    To report a security issue or concern, please CLICK HERE (You will need to be logged into your Member Account.)
    Please use the form to report any security issues, concerns, or requests you have regarding safety or security in and around Lake View Estates POA.  
    Please provide as much detail of the issue, concern, or request as well as provide attachments when appropriate.  
    NOTE:  If this is an Emergency or Requiring support of Police/Fire/Ambulance, call 911 and report the issue.  Come back to this page to explain issue and provide any solutions/remedies you recommend. 
  • chevron_rightWhat should I do if a Solicitor comes to my door?
    Solicitors are not allowed in our neighborhood.  If someone is soliciting in the neighborhood, police will want to talk to him/her to ensure the person isn't "casing" homes or looking for things to steal.  
    Call the Foley Police Dept at 251-943-4431 tell them you want to report a solicitor, your location and the direction the person went.  He will check to see if the solicitor has a permit and give a citation if not.  
  • chevron_rightHow do I report a STREET LIGHT OUTAGE?
    If you are wanting to Report a STREET LIGHT OUTAGE, please CLICK HERE. (You will need to be logged into your Member Account to make the report.)

    Please note: We submit a report monthly to Baldwin EMC for all reported outages we have for that month.  Baldwin EMC will schedule the repair according to their availability.  Please allow sufficient time for the outage to be repaired.  
    If you do not see that the repair has been made within the expected timeframe, please do not submit a NEW request for the same issue.  Instead, please make the request on the outstanding/closed ticket within your Request tab. 
  • chevron_rightGeneral Information about Wildlife
    Due to the large number of nearby ponds and retention ponds, there is an abundance of wildlife including rabbits, squirrels, birds, and predators (including snakes, foxes, and coyotes) throughout the area. 
    While many can enjoy the favorable wildlife (birds & rabbits), please be aware there are dangerous elements to wildlife and take precaution/maintain awareness of this.  Within these FAQs we provide information that addresses the more common wildlife. 
    The Alabama Extension Services has a website (www.aces.edu) which contains useful information on wildlife and pests in Alabama; in addition, they also have excellent advice and information about gardening. The physical location of the Extension for Baldwin County is: 302A Byrne Street, Bay Minette, AL 36507  Phone: (251) 937-7176
  • chevron_rightAlligators
    Rarely, an alligator may be seen in or on the bank of Lake Muriel.  They may wander here from Wolf Bay and are usually no larger than 4 feet.  if you see one, please contact someone on the Lake View Estates Board.  
    DO NOT FEED or BOTHER an alligator.  They are PROTECTED in Alabama and the FINES ARE STEEP.  Feeding alligators will cause them to no fear humans which will become a DANGER TO HUMANS.  To find out more about alligators, click here
  • chevron_rightAnts and other Insects
    Fire ants are prevalent in this area and their bites are painful, and can be dangerous to small children, pets, and those allergic to their bite.  Chemical controls are available in local stores.  Products containing Acephate seem to be the most effective in treating. 
    Alabama has several varieties of poisonous spiders including the Black Widow and Brown Recluse (and other in the Recluse family).  You may click here to view information for the Alabama Extension (Alabama A&M/Auburn University). 
  • chevron_rightBirds
    While we enjoy a variety of migratory birds and colorful nesting birds, there are some birds which can be threatening and dangerous to pets and people.  
    NOTE: Canadian Geese and Whistling Ducks are PROTECTED and must not be fed or molested except by the Department of Fish & Wildlife.
    Owls, hawks, and eagles can be dangerous to cats and other small pets.  Canadian Geese can be very aggressive toward people. 
    For more information about the birds of Alabama, click here
  • chevron_rightNocturnal Animals
    There are a variety of animals in the area that we seldom see during the day but they are common after dark.  These include:  coyotes, raccoons, opossums, and armadillos.  
    Be very cautious of these animals.  Be especially cautious if you do encounter them during the daytime because there is a chance they may be rabid or carry some other disease.  
    Contact the FOLEY ANIML CONTROL for guidance at (251) 943-4431.
    There are local companies who offer services in removing "critters" from your home if there is an issue not handled by the city.  
  • chevron_rightSnakes
    There are both, poisonous and non-poisonous, snakes that will be near most houses.  They all should be treated with caution unless you are well versed in distinguishing the poisonous from the non-poisonous.  
    The most common POISONOUS ones are COTTON-MOUTHS (also known as Water Moccasins) and COPPERHEADS.  Alabama also has RATTLESNAKES and CORAL SNAKES.  
    Other snakes such as the EASTERN WATER SNAKE, CHICKEN SNAKES, and KING SNAKES are beneficial because they eat rodents and other pests.  
    If you are unfamiliar with how to identify the poisonous snakes, you can visit this helpful website.  
  • chevron_rightOther Animals
    Deer, rabbits, mice, moles, voles, and squirrels are common around the golf course and in our yards.  
    While deer are not usually a pest, the other animals can be bothersome when they invade your lawn, flower beds, or homes.  
    When cold weather begins, mice (and snakes) will often find their way into houses through the garage or other openings. Mice have become an annual problem for many of us and a number of people have reported problems with squirrels in their attic gnawing on vent pipes on the roof.  
    Also, always be cautious of unleashed, stray dogs.  You may report these to Foley Animal Control (251) 943-4431.